
ACM-authorizer integrated

Finally, I managed to integrate the ACM-authorizer wherever possible on my publication page. So, you have direct and full access to my ACM papers.

Portrait about myself on The Female Scientist

I’ve written a portrait about myself for the The Female Scientist with some personal infos about my decision to work in science and some experience with respect to being a women in science.

My talk at PrivacyWeek 2019 is scheduled for Sun, 27 October

The program of PrivacyWeek 2019 is online!
My talk with the title Sag mir, was du hörst—und ich sage dir, wer du bist! (in German) is scheduled for Sunday, 27 October 2019, 15:00–15:45 in room ‘‘Saal 1’’.

Tutor Sessions at the RecSys Summer School 2019

I am happy to announce that Martijn C. Willemsen and I organize tutor sessions in scope of the RecSys Summer School 2019. The idea is that each participant can discuss the specific research goals and questions with senior researchers/teachers of the summer school and fellow students.