
Speaker at RecSys Summer School 2019

I am happy to be a speaker at the ACM Summer School on Recommender Systems taking place in Gothenburg, Sweden, just a week before the official RecSys 2019 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Aftermath to NGI#3 ''AI and beyond''

You can find a nice summary (in German) of the third NGI event on ‘‘AI and beyond’’, where I gave a talk last month:

PLOS ONE article on global and country-specific mainstreaminess out now!

I proudly present the PLOS ONE article by Markus Schedl and me: We analyze music preferences in 47 countries with respect to what is considered mainstream in a particular country. And, of course, we evaluate recommendation approaches considering users’ mainstreaminess.

I'll give a talk at NGI Talk

I am happy to announce that I will give a talk at the event NGI Talk #3: AI and beyond on ‘‘How will AI change the way we perceive and interact with computers?’’

Mentor in WiMIR mentoring 2019

Next round of WiMIR mentoring has just started. I am looking forward to this journey, mentoring a young female researcher.