
Defense by Lorenzo Porcaro

Next week, Lorenzo Porcaro will defend his PhD thesis with the title “Assessing the Impact of Music Recommendation Diversity on Listeners”.

I have to honor to chair the jury consisting of two legends in the field, Perfecto Herrera (UPF) and Mounia Lalmas-Roelleke (Spotify),—and myself. At UPF, the chair is indeed called president. When else will I have the opportunity to be called “the president” ;-)

Defense by Lorenzo Porcaro
Guest lecture by Sven Müller from AutLay

It was a great pleasure to welcome Sven Müller (CEO at AutLay) in my master course on Adaptive Interactive Systems. In his guest lecture, Sven presented how we can use personalization in print and shared insights about their approaches at AutLay. I found the use cases from retail very inspiring. And I am convinced, the students got a new perspective on the topic of adaptive systems, too.

Guest lecture by Sven Müller from AutLay
CHI Nederland features my work on conformity behavior across cultures

This month CHI Nederland features my CHI 2022 LBW paper (co-authored with Bruce Ferwerda) about the conformity effect across cultures.

In our study design, participants had to create a group music playlist, where a song was only added if there was unanimous agreement to do so.

CHI Nederland features my work on conformity behavior across cultures
Featured in episode 8 of the Recsperts podcast

I am happy to share that episode #8 of the Recsperts podcast was released. Marcel Kurovski, who hosts this podcast, has invited me to talk about my research on recommender systems.

And so we did. We discuss the specifics of recommenders in the music (streaming) domain, my research on fairness from the artists’ perspective, and the importance of multi-method evaluation. I also share my view on the opportunities of leveraging context awareness for recommender systems.

Featured in episode 8 of the Recsperts podcast
Mini review on fairness in music recommender systems

The first joint paper with Karlijn Dinnissen has just appeared in the journal Frontiers in Big Data. In this mini review, we take a stakeholder-centered view and discuss literature on fairness in music recommender systems from the perspective of the various stakeholders.

Mini review on fairness in music recommender systems
Best Reviewer Award at UMAP 2022

What an honor—I have received a Best Reviewer Award at UMAP 2022.

Great to see so many engaged reviewers in the community. Congratulations to everyone!

Best Reviewer Award at UMAP 2022