There is a general enthusiastic call for smart applications nowadays. People are now accustomed to mobile devices and require applications that fit and exploit this modality of interaction and are proactive to satisfy their needs.
All of these applications require a deep understanding of content, users, devices and situations where interaction happens. Semantics covers a significant role toward these goals.
At the same time, employing such sophisticated systems requires rigorous evaluation right from the beginning. With this workshop we want to raise awareness in the user modeling community for the significance of using multiple methods in the evaluation of recommender systems and other personalized systems. Employing a multi-method evaluation integrating a number of single methods allows for getting a more integrated and richer picture of user experience and quality drivers.
The objective of the Intelligent User-Adapted Interfaces: Design and Multi-Modal Evaluation workshop is to bring together experts and practitioners of user modeling, adaptive systems, recommenders and artificial Intelligence together with domain experts and ubiquitous computing researchers, in order to shape the next generation of ubiquitous, smart and adaptive application services.
PDF Cite Project DOI ACM Author-izer CORE 2023: B GGS 2021: B