Attending CHI 2022 in New Orleans

It is a pleasure to attend CHI 2022 on-site. There are great talks—of course. Yet, meeting people and talk about research—and life, the universe and everything—that’s equally important and equally interesting.
Today, I was chairing a session Trust, Recommendation, and Explanable AI (XAI) where we had five excellent talks. Further, I participated in the Social Justice 1: Towards a Collective Manifesto session, where we started a collective manifesto to make room for solidarity across the CHI community. This session was organized by the Social Justice Co-Chairs, where we (the Allyship Co-Chairs) were happy to team up with. Tomorrow, we’ll continue with the Social Justice 2: The Intersection of Allyship and Social Justice, where we open up room for expanding the notion of allyship.
On Wednesday, the Allyship Co-Chairs organize the Allyship Fireside Chat, where we will discuss what it means to be an ally and to create a supportive CHI community. We aim at generating discussion and suggestions on how to be a supportive community member.
Do you want to be an ally—a better ally? Please follow the YouTube Allyship Crash Course. We have also created a Quiz module to accompany the Crash Course. Have a look at this CHI blog for a summary of these activities.
The atmosphere in New Orleans is great, too. And I am looking forward to explore the city after the conference.