Tutorial at ISMIR 2022: Trustworthy MIR: Creating MIR applications with values

I am happy to announce that I will hold a tutorial at ISMIR 2022 on Trustworthy MIR: Creating MIR applications with values together with Andrés Ferraro, Emilia Gómez, and Lorenzo Porcaro. The goal of the tutorial is to show how values, such as fairness and diversity, can be embedded in the life cycle of MIR systems to make them trustworthy: from algorithmic design to evaluation practices and regulatory proposals. To achieve that, we will discuss examples of, among the others, popularity bias, gender bias, algorithmic bias, music styles underrepresentation, and diversity-related phenomena (e.g. filter bubbles).
Naturally, I hope that you can learn a lot from the tutorial. As a very positive side effect, I am looking forward to collaborating with Andrés Ferraro, Emilia Gómez, and Lorenzo Porcaro on this topic. For sure, we will have a blast.