HICSS 2023 paper on conformity behavior in group decision-making

What a nice way to start a new year—with a publication. Bruce Ferwerda in on beautiful Maui 🌺 to present our joint HICSS 2023 paper on conformity behavior in group decision-making.
In our work, we explored whether and how the ingroup favoritism manifests differently in terms of conformity behavior depending on the ‘flipping direction’ (in favor or against an item). The results show that group inclusiveness does not play a role in the general tendency to conform. However, when it comes to a negative flipping direction (thus, deciding to conform with the group against an item), a higher feeling of group inclusiveness seems to play a role; yet, for individualist cultures only.
The effect of ingroup identification on conformity behavior in group decision-making: the flipping direction matters.
56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2023).