Great week at ELLIS ESSIR 2024 in Amsterdam

ELLIS ESSIR 2024 group photo. Photo credits: ELLIS ESSIR 2024.

I had a great time at ELLIS ESSIR 2024 in Amsterdam. It was already the 15th edition of the European Summer School on Information Retrieval (ESSIR); for me, it was the first time. I had the pleasure of teaching a session on ‘How to do reviews’, which I prepared with Olivier Jeunen.

As the 12th edition of our PhD Symposium on Future Directions in Information Access (FDIA 2024) was held in conjunction with ESSIR 2024 and my session’s topic was aligned with the FDIA audience, the session had a double role: a lecture for ESSIR and a keynote for FDIA. Two at one go 😃

There were so many interesting lectures at the summer school, and I learned a lot myself.

Unfortunately, Olivier could not make it to ESSIR. So, I am even more looking forward to holding the session ‘Fantastic Reviews—and how to write them’ together with him at the ACM Summer School on Recommender Systems in October.