
CHIIR 2020 tutorial paper on multi-method evaluation is online

While CHIIR 2020 had to be cancelled due to the current global situation with Covid-19, the paper accompanying the tutorial on multi-method evaluation (that I would have held there) is published.

TU Wien alumni profile

Last year (2019), TU Wien started an initiative presenting the diversity of its alumni.

Have a look at my TU Wien alumni profile (sorry, in German only), where I also provide some supporting words to young talent.

Small task to prepare for my CHIIR 2020 tutorial on multi-method evaluation

Are you interested in attending my CHIIR 2020 tutorial on multi-method evaluation (Leveraging multiple methods to answer what you were looking for)?

Consider preparing a small (very small!) task for the tutorial. It will help you get the best out of it for your very own research project. I summarized the task on the site that I maintain together with Eva Zangerle from Universität Innsbruck: Task description for the CHIIR 2020 Tutorial ‘‘Leveraging multiple methods to answer what you were looking for’’.

My Talk at PrivacyWeek 2019 is finally online

You missed my talk at PrivacyWeek 2019? Just watch it now :-). It’s 53 minutes long.

You can also download it from the archive. Optionally, you can choose the audio track ‘‘English’’, where you hear the simultaneous translation into English.

Panelist at VUT Indie Days Köln 2020

I am happy to announce that I will join one of the panels at VUT Indie Days Köln, taking place for the first time as part of the c/o pop Convention 2020. I am looking forward to this event already now. released

In our joint effort, advocating for multi-method evaluation, Eva Zangerle and me have set up a dedicated website: On that page, we collect resources that help to apply multi-method evaluation in research and development.