Interactive digital signage: an innovative service and its future strategies


Digital signage is an economically promising field in advertising. Yet, it is a hardly researched field; first empirical attempts focused on consumer reactions. Digital signage, though, brings together various market players, all of which with different objectives and expected benefits. For this reason, we introduce a conceptual framework for interactive digital signage that allows developing various business strategies and associated business values integrating the entire set of possible players in their relevant roles and configuration requirements. A rule set represents one of the core modules of the framework, which allows for a sustainable integration of functionalities. Acknowledging that technological and non- technological advancements of digital signage need reconcilement, our proposed integrated approach to digital signage allows for interdisciplinary contributions.

1st International Workshop on Frontiers in Service Transformations and Innovations, in conjunction with 2nd International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Data and Web Technologies (EIDWT 2011))