Artificial Intelligence

Geschlechtsspezifische Vorurteile und Diskriminierung durch KI
Panelist at VUT Indie Days Köln 2020.
Geschlechtsspezifische Vorurteile und Diskriminierung durch KI
Tomorrow, panel at VUT Indie Days 2020

I am looking forward to join the panel on gender bias and discrimination in AI at the VUT Indie Days 2020 tomorrow. The panel is scheduled for 13:15 CEST and will be streamed on c/o pop xoxo in channel 1. Although originally planned to be held in English, the discussion will be in German. Maybe a good reason to brush up your German skills ;-)

Video of my interview for LIWEST Kundenmagazin is online

My interview for LIWEST Kundenmagazin, Ausgabe Juli 2020 (pdf, e-paper) was recorded.

A 10 minutes cut of this interview is now online as a video on YouTube.

Cooperation of LIWEST und dorf tv. Topic: Wie wissen Online-Plattformen wie Spotify & Co, welche Musik ihren Nutzern gefällt? (How do online platforms such as Spotify know what music its users like?). Interviewer: Christian Naderer. Camera and cut: Roland Freinschlag.

Aftermath to NGI#3 ''AI and beyond''

You can find a nice summary (in German) of the third NGI event on ‘‘AI and beyond’’, where I gave a talk last month:

NGI Talk #3: AI and beyond
Panelist at NGI#3: AI and beyond, organized by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology.
NGI Talk #3: AI and beyond
I'll give a talk at NGI Talk

I am happy to announce that I will give a talk at the event NGI Talk #3: AI and beyond on ‘‘How will AI change the way we perceive and interact with computers?’’