
multimethods.info released

In our joint effort, advocating for multi-method evaluation, Eva Zangerle and me have set up a dedicated website: https://multimethods.info. On that page, we collect resources that help to apply multi-method evaluation in research and development.

Tutor Sessions at the RecSys Summer School 2019

I am happy to announce that Martijn C. Willemsen and I organize tutor sessions in scope of the RecSys Summer School 2019. The idea is that each participant can discuss the specific research goals and questions with senior researchers/teachers of the summer school and fellow students.

Speaker at RecSys Summer School 2019

I am happy to be a speaker at the ACM Summer School on Recommender Systems taking place in Gothenburg, Sweden, just a week before the official RecSys 2019 in Copenhagen, Denmark.

IUadaptME great success!

Yesterday’s IUadaptME workshop at UMAP 2018 was a great success! Thank you to all participants and my co-organizers. We had interesting discussions.

(2018). UMAP 2018 Intelligent User-Adapted Interfaces: Design and Multi-Modal Evaluation (IUadaptMe) Workshop Chairs' Welcome & Organization. 26th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP 2018).

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UMAP 2018 Intelligent User-Adapted Interfaces: Design and Multi-Modal Evaluation (IUadaptMe) Workshop Chairs' Welcome & Organization