
Mini review on fairness in music recommender systems

The first joint paper with Karlijn Dinnissen has just appeared in the journal Frontiers in Big Data. In this mini review, we take a stakeholder-centered view and discuss literature on fairness in music recommender systems from the perspective of the various stakeholders.

Mini review on fairness in music recommender systems
Featured on UU's website for research on Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

What an honor that my recent work with Andrés Ferraro is featured as an example for research on Equality, Diversity & Inclusion at Utrecht University’s website. There is also a sneak peek to an upcoming work with Johanna Devaney.

Recent media presence

I am very happy that our CHIIR paper Break the Loop: Gender Imbalance in Music Recommenders with Andrés Ferraro and Xavier Serra received a lot of media attention.

It will take a while until I can integrate all the media articles (that I am aware of) in my website.
Here some links (articles in various languages):