
Recent media presence

I am very happy that our CHIIR paper Break the Loop: Gender Imbalance in Music Recommenders with Andrés Ferraro and Xavier Serra received a lot of media attention.

It will take a while until I can integrate all the media articles (that I am aware of) in my website.
Here some links (articles in various languages):

Summary of ISMIR 2020 Special Session Do we help artists? published in SIGIR Forum

I am glad that my summary of the ISMIR 2020 special session: ‘‘How do we—in MIR research—help artists? Do we?’’ made it to the December 2020 issue of the ACM SIGIR Forum.

Geschlechtsspezifische Vorurteile und Diskriminierung durch KI
Panelist at VUT Indie Days Köln 2020.
Geschlechtsspezifische Vorurteile und Diskriminierung durch KI