
Tomorrow, panel at VUT Indie Days 2020

I am looking forward to join the panel on gender bias and discrimination in AI at the VUT Indie Days 2020 tomorrow. The panel is scheduled for 13:15 CEST and will be streamed on c/o pop xoxo in channel 1. Although originally planned to be held in English, the discussion will be in German. Maybe a good reason to brush up your German skills ;-)

Video of my interview for LIWEST Kundenmagazin is online

My interview for LIWEST Kundenmagazin, Ausgabe Juli 2020 (pdf, e-paper) was recorded.

A 10 minutes cut of this interview is now online as a video on YouTube.

Cooperation of LIWEST und dorf tv. Topic: Wie wissen Online-Plattformen wie Spotify & Co, welche Musik ihren Nutzern gefällt? (How do online platforms such as Spotify know what music its users like?). Interviewer: Christian Naderer. Camera and cut: Roland Freinschlag.

I'll be guiding a virtual session of WiMIR workshop 2020

I am happy to announce that I will be guiding one of the nine virtual sessions of the WiMIR workshop 2020 at ISMIR 2020. The title of my session is: The best ever recommendation & For who? And how do you know that?

One-page feature in the magazine Burgenland Mitte

There is a one-page feature about me and my recent project in the magazine [Burgenland Mitte]( Here is a link to the online version of the article.

pdf file of the article in Burgenland Mitte.
pdf file of the article in Burgenland Mitte.
One-page feature in the magazine Burgenland Mitte
My Talk at PrivacyWeek 2019 is finally online

You missed my talk at PrivacyWeek 2019? Just watch it now :-). It’s 53 minutes long.

You can also download it from the archive. Optionally, you can choose the audio track ‘‘English’’, where you hear the simultaneous translation into English.

Panelist at VUT Indie Days Köln 2020

I am happy to announce that I will join one of the panels at VUT Indie Days Köln, taking place for the first time as part of the c/o pop Convention 2020. I am looking forward to this event already now.