
Workshop PERSPECTIVES 2021 @ RecSys 2021

I am happy to announce that we—Eva Zangerle, [Alain Said]), and me—will co-organize the workshop Perspectives on the Evaluation of Recommender Systems (PERSPECTIVES) at RecSys 2021. Finger crossed that the event can indeed happen in Amsterdam and that many of use can safely participate. There will definitely be the possibility to participate online.

The videos of all the ComplexRec2020 workshop talks are online

The videos of all ComplexRec 2020 workshop talks at RecSys 2020—including my keynote—can now be found on the RecSys YouTube channel.

(2020). Ratings in, rankings out. Keep it simple, they said. But we need more than that.. Proceedings of the Recommendation in Complex Scenarios and the Impact of Recommender Systems 2020 (ComplexRec-ImpactRS 2020).

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Keynote at ComplexRec 2020

I am honored to announce that I am invited to give the keynote at the 4th Workshop on Recommendation in Complex Environments (ComplexRec 2020), co-located with RecSys 2020. The fancy ;-) title of my talk is: Ratings in, rankings out. Keep it simple, they said. But we need more than that.

Tutor Sessions at the RecSys Summer School 2019

I am happy to announce that Martijn C. Willemsen and I organize tutor sessions in scope of the RecSys Summer School 2019. The idea is that each participant can discuss the specific research goals and questions with senior researchers/teachers of the summer school and fellow students.